Great Outdoors revolves around the adventures of Mr. Wilderness and his Geography/Life Science classes while they explore Greater Upper Eatside and Greater Upper Eatside National Park on fairly life-threatening field trips.
They are constantly heckled by boisterous homeless people, an angry mer-king, and the money-grubbing Principal.
They're introduced to a variety of characters, including a zombie businessman, a famous artist in hiding, and Bigfoot.
G.O. is only semi-realistic but not entirely fantasy due to somethings being answered more or less scientifically/logically. For example, Bigfoot is a man with a few medical issues he is unable to deal with. However, it's hinted that Megan does die every other field trip or so and come back, alive and well, the next day. There are mermaids/men and limbs that stretch from one classroom wall to the other involved. Wilderness is known to 'run like a gazelle' and see perfectly well in the dark, which would probably be impossible to do in reality for any sort of person.
Unless, of course, you're that .1%.
Then lucky you, I guess.
And your...radiation.
Mr. Wilderness is based on one of my Creative Writing teachers, and the concept of Great Outdoors [G.O. to save time] is based on one of the classes he taught.
It started off as a parody, really, of my teacher, but developed into a character I ended up keeping and turning into a comic.
Nearly every character in G.O. is based off of someone I know in real life, or at least someone I have seen on more than one occasion. Their personalities have been slightly tweaked as well as their looks, just to make it less awkward for the characters real-life counterparts.
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